Principal’s Message

The level of success we’ve seen this past years has been historic. We have witnessed a 100% of university admissions of students’ first choice, successful completion of AP Seminar, numerous medals in various math, CS and physics contests and much more.

For 2024-2025 school year we are introducing a customized calendar accommodating both Ontario and AP programs in our day school.

At our school, “Putting Students First” means providing quality education, beyond the regular frameworks. While we have a great deal of respect for the established standards and expectations, we think innovatively to cater to our students and the evolving world around them. We elevate our curriculum in and out of the classroom, actively seek new resources, and ensure that our students are prepared for any post-secondary stream they choose. We aim to prove that school can truly be a place of positivity, genuine connection, learning, and fun.  

Mr. Bahador, BSc, MM, MEd, OCT (PQP)


The Road Ahead…


Our mission is to consider the individuality of each student to provide the best educational experience. We aim for our students to feel comfortable and build confidence at our school while simultaneously being challenged through dynamic course concepts and materials. We strive to build relationships with our students founded on academic support, approachability, trust and warmth. We want our students to love school as much as we do!


Our vision is to continuously amplify the quality of education we provide to our students. We do this by actively seeking additional resources and planning educational field trips to bring accessible and inspiring modes of learning inside and outside the classroom. We aim to prove that school can truly be a place of positivity, genuine connection, and fun.